by Rachael Bright An Illustrated Depression Forum

Voices in the Grey is a series of illustrations depicting how depression makes individuals feel in a sensory way. It was created by illustrator Rachael Bright in an effort to destigmatize depression, to spotlight how uniquely each person feels and to provide an anonymous forum for people to share their voices. Their voices will be seen, felt and taken to heart.
If you wish to share your voice, message me through the webpage or by emailing me at and include a sentence or two about the physical sensation of your depression, ie: "I feel like there's a hole in my heart." Keep an eye on the blog and our social media sites for your image. Please like and share the voices, so people know they are not alone in their struggle.
Copyright 2019
Each image is an original artwork. I use mixed media consisting of Colored Pencil, Pen, Graphite and Gouache on Water Color Paper.
I had been suffering from severe situational depression after the death of my mother and subsequent debilitating illness. I kept everything bottled up inside and told not even those closest to me of my suffering, because I didn't want to add my woes onto my loved ones, who already had so much to bear. One evening the idea came to me like a lightning bolt through my brain. I stumbled across a post on Facebook about how a person's depression made him feel. My friend commented, I commented then then so on..And then BOOM! I was struck by how different depression felt to everyone who commented. I was visualizing each person's feelings into an illustration.
I firmly believe that it takes a certain amount of bravery to admit even to oneself that they're depressed, and that opening up about it is the first step to healing. My hope is that this project will help people by seeing that they're not alone, and that many others share similar visual similarities.
As for my own depression, after quite some time the dam broke and after a 3 hour ugly cry in the arms of my husband, telling him all I had been feeling, I began to feel better. This was not by any means an immediate recovery, but a step in the right direction towards healing.
Depression is an epidemic. We are all under so much pressure for perfection, and it's easy to hide a lot of pain behind a perfect smile. I want this platform to help those who wish to begin the healing process.
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Files coming soon.
I stand with you, but I'm just an artist, not a mental heath professional. If you or a loved one is in crisis, please call contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255.